Monday, May 10, 2010

Watch out Your Member of Parliament Maybe a Person of Interest.

This is an updated verion of an article originally published by Tom Koltai at 01:54PM (EST) on October 6, 2009
Man is a competitive member of the animal kingdom.

Our nature is to compete with one another for food, shelter, mates and attention. Attention? Well yes, the more attention you get the better your prospects of :
Obtaining a mate and earning money.

So Koltai, the attention seekers are the most likely candidates for Presidential election?
Well think about it. Imagine being a 17 year old pimply faced boy.
How often would he get laid? (Whatever your answer, the 17 year old would say – “Not enough”…..)
Now imagine if the pimply faced boy were President of the USA?
How often would the President of the USA get laid? OK – I’ll say “could” for the benefit of the female married audience.

So Koltai you blog because you want attention and want to get laid?
No, I don’t want attention for moi, I want attention drawn to the plight of the world that all seems to stem from four main issues. (As for the other – I’m starting to get a bit long in the tooth for that.)

Problem with the World ISSUE #1
Commercial interests have turned amoral. They are unable to distinguish the difference between making a profit and killing large chunks of the world population [through “designer” pigs, corn et al, that are unable to reproduce,] by controlling their products through international trade agreements like ACTA.
So ACTA is an excuse for Genocide.
Yes. But unfortunately it’s been prettied up to be about Internet file-sharing.

Problem with the World ISSUE #2
The Federal Reserve Bank of the USA has devised a securitization methodology of building an economy based on future Debt.
Other Governments have followed the lead of the Federal Reserve as being an ideal model to create an economy around that benefits those at the top.
It would appear to benefit all mankind, being able to live in a nice house, being able to drive a late model car and having a 50” LCD cinema in the lounge room.
But unfortunately, all of these “trimmings” are essentially a result of consumer programming.
You are successful if you drive a Mercedes.
You can only be successful if you take holidays first class.
You must wear Armani to be considered for the top job, top earning boyfriend etc etc.
The majority of the world can’t afford Armani. But armed with a credit card, they forget this.
Most of us don’t drive Mercedes cars… or live in Belair Cote de Zur or Double Bay.
But Koltai isn’t it fair to reward the achievers?
Yes I think it is.
But not by creating funny money that then bites the entire world in it’s arse.

Problem with the World, ISSUE #3
Lying to the population.
Advertising has always about getting the public to buy something that commercial interests need you to buy so they can buy their new house on the cote d’azur.
They are not really objects without which man couldn’t survive.
This brings us to the great equalizer. The Internet.
The Internet has enabled the world – i.e. those that are not living in Double Bay, Cote d’azur or Beverley Hills to talk about the unfairness of certain policies deemed by the population to be unfair, unjust or lacking in moral fibre.
(No, no examples – go and read some blogs.)

Problem with the World ISSUE #4
Expressing Dissatisfaction with any element of officialdom on the Blog-sphere, Twitter and Facebook.
Those that speak of any of these topics out loud are branded “insurgent, trouble maker, activist, investigative journalist, commie, revolutionary”.
In other words, the official documentation of the worlds law enforcement officials are sending free speech underground, forcing people to hide their commentaries behind pseudonym user names like the now renowned/infamous Anonymous.
The recent Wikileaks leak of the UK Government secret internal document on how to manage leaks made me realise that the Governments of the world don’t really want free speech. They preach it, but then instruct their minions to stamp it out. To place those who practice it on watch lists as “enemies of the state”.
From Wikileaks: "2389 classified pages on how the UK stop leaks"
This significant, previously unpublished document (classified "RESTRICTED", 2389 pages), is the UK military protocol for security operations, including counter-intelligence.
The document includes instructions on dealing with leaks, investigative journalists, Parliamentarians, foreign agents, terrorists & criminals, sexual entrapments in Russia and China, diplomatic pouches, allies, classified documents & codewords, compromising radio and audio emissions, computer hackers.and many other related issues.
The document, known in the services as the "JSP 440" ("Joint Services Protocol 440"), was referenced by the RAF Digby investigation team as the protocol justification for the monitoring Wikileaks, as mentioned in "UK Ministry of Defence continually monitors WikiLeaks: eight reports into classified UK leaks, 29 Sep 2009".
Example excerpts (WikiLeaks, [see], "D Def Sy" means Directorate of Defence Security):
"Non-traditional threats
The main threats of this type are posed by investigative journalists, pressure groups, investigation agencies, criminal elements, disaffected staff, dishonest staff and computer hackers. The types of threat from these sources can be categorized in six broad groups: a. Confidentiality. Compromise of politically sensitive information. This threat is presented by: (1) Pressure groups and investigative journalists attempting to obtain sensitive information. (2) Unauthorized disclosure of official in formation (leaks)..."
"Investigative journalists have exploited personal tax information; they also target commercial and financial information as do criminal elements seeking financial advantage. "
Continues....... At

As the reader can see, the document attempts to smear investigative journalists and members of the public by associating them in the same sentences as foreign agents, terrorists & criminals, sexual entrapments and; GASP…. Parliamentarians those most despicable of people – our elected representatives and their staffers.

I always thought that when the Military attacked the Head of State that was termed Revolution; however it would seem that in the UK it’s just normal business.
I would say this is the biggest problem in the world.

Although in Australia we seem to be inventing our own version of of unattainable orwellian control devices...
Problem with the World ISSUE #5
Inteligent men whom unfortunately don't understand the Internet, thinking they can halt the digital tide and implent outmoded concepts of "content classification"  (like Australia's proposed rabbit proof Internet filter).
Rabbit proof ?
Koltai joke. It has as much chance of keeping back the hoards of rabbits as the internet filter has of keeping back just .0001% of the words unsavoury websites.
So why are the Australian politicians introducing a filter?
To satisfy the 20,000 christian lobyists who voted 93% in favour of it.

Koltai, you said "problem for the world", but that filter is only for Australia.
So it is. So tell me that you don't think that other countries will look at the level headed, friendly Aussies and calculate that the benefit to them of implementing a filter also? Politcally, a filter in Australia is a perfect "first step" in implementing a 1984 world globally.
As I have suggesteed before, Politicians and magicians have a lot in common; "Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and grls, now watch this hand waving in the air....... " and then implementing an unexpected magic trick (with the other hand) that either gets them applause/re-election, or not.

So what are we left with ?

A world where persons expressing themselves can automatically land themselves on “terrorist suspect lists” just for speaking their mind.
Didn’t we pass some laws a while back allowing freedom of speech?
Oh, not in the UK.
Oh, and not in Australia.
I guess it’s probably too late for me to start blogging as “anonymous”.
I blog under my own name because I think the world would be a far better place if more people stood up to be counted.

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